*Moms Note: Connor
didn’t have a lot of time this week to answer all the wonderful birthday emails
he got, he wants to thank everyone for writing to him, he said it was good to hear from you! Because his time is so short, he writes his
letter the night before and takes a picture of it to send, then I get to type
it up :)
Hey guys! This past week was another hardworking, rainy
miracle-full, and good experiencing week.
My relationship with Elder Katschke grows and gets better every day. We are learning a lot together and trying to
become better missionaries/people. Being
with him has been a pretty big change to my mission, we are planning a lot
better, working a lot harder, and being 100% obedient. We have been able to see the blessings and
miracles that come from those things. I will tell you guys about this week from
the beginning and going through the week.
The next day was really cool too because we were able to
find a family name the Family Sepulueda that the missionaries here use to
contact a lot and it would be really cool to see them progress and help
The next day was… my
BIRTHDAY. Haha not really anything happened, it was just another hard working
day. In the morning I opened the package from my family which contained the
softest blanket I’ve ever felt that has my name and mission sewed into it, also
a poster that everyone from my extended family had signed and wished me a happy
birthday, which was awesome as well. But
probably the funniest part about it and the most like my mom thing to do was,
there was all the materials in it to bake a cake! I don’t know when I am going
to have time or where I’m going to do it haha but it’s going to be a good time
when I do. There were however a couple
things that happened on my birthday with our investigators and members that
were cool as well. But mainly just a
chill day. It was my first birthday away
from home which made it a little hard because I missed all the birthday texts,
and wishes and posts on social media but as well, it was cool to experience it
here in Chile.
From that day and on, temperatures in Chile dropped, it’s
pretty cold here and at the moment we don’t have any sort of way to make heat,
like no stoves or anything but we are working on that. Thursday we found another really good
investigator that the missionaries has been contacting named Maria. She’s very good, really receptive and truly
wants to find the true church. Also that
night the American Cup in soccer started.
Soccer is huge here so we weren’t able to work during this time and we actually
were able to watch a little bit of it.
Chile won 2-0, so as you can imagine, all of the Chileans were going
One of the last things I’m going to talk about in this is about
the visits that we have been able to have with members this past week. We talked with two returned missionaries who
talk to us a lot about their missions and their lives now and how the mission
has affected them. I know that this
mission has affected and changed my life.
I understand obedience a lot more now and especially why we do the
things that we do. And the best thing of
all, I have grown to have and understand my testimony and know what I
believe. The mission changes lives. It’s amazing. It has changed mine for the better.
The last thing I am going to share with you guys a little
bit is a little miracle that we saw in church on Sunday. All this week me and Elder Katschke have been
striving to find investigators and commit them to attend church this week so that they can progress
towards baptism because it’s Elder Katschke’s last transfer in the mission and
we want to baptize together. We had
found and committed about 8 people to church by Saturday. But Sunday came and one by one they all fell
and didn’t come. It was really hard to
see because we had worked so hard and had prayed and fasted to be able to have
someone come to church this week. No one
showed up until an hour into church, an hermano
in the ward came up and introduced us to his nephew… and invited us to
come to his house this week because he is interested in our church! Also an old investigator showed up to church
as well! The Lord is blessing us. Even
if we aren’t able to baptize together, we promised that we would leave this sector
better than it was and prepared for the next missionaries that come. Well, that’s it for this week, sorry it was a
little long! J Hope everyone has a good week, love and miss
you all!
Elder Clay
Can I get his email address?